Saturday 19 September 2015

Moving To University

This time of year always comes around too quickly. The beginning of school, college or uni.
This will be my 3rd year of uni and every year around this time, when moving back out again, brings a lot of anxiety and emotions.

Over this past week, I've not been feeling too great about leaving home and moving into a new place. Yeah sure I'm moving in with my friends, and I'm sure after I've settled over the next few weeks I’ll be fine, but right now I do not want to leave. I'm going to miss just little things like watching telly with my family, having fun with my sister and getting a teddy bear hug off my dad.

A few days ago I left home to move into my new house at uni. With all the moving and unpacking, I didn't really have time to think about it. Now my parents have gone back and I'm sitting in my room. Thinking.

I get these bursts of emotion, how I don’t want to be here, how I wish I was still back at home even if it was just an extra day.

Once I unpacked all the photo frames, posters and stuck pictures on my wall, it felt more like a home.
If like me, you are worrying about leaving home, all I can say is wait. Wait till you are in your new place, with all your photos, posters, duvet and decorations and you will feel a little better. 

I remember my first year of uni 3 years ago when I moved into halls and it was hard seeing my family leave to go home. All I kept thinking as I said goodbye was ‘please take me with you’

I felt totally out of my comfort zone, so I thought I should do things that I would normally do at home, even if it’s just watching your favourite TV show or YouTube videos. At home I would watch YouTube all the time so when I came here, it was comforting to watch them because it was something familiar.

If you are feeling a bit sad, anxious or even lonely, it will get better. Everything will piece itself together, but remember, its also up to YOU to do something about it. 

See You Soon

☆  R